Gobal warming :D

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    ClapsClaps :D
    August 2008;

    Sunday 17 August 2008 -{'23:24
    Where is global warming happening?
    Global warming is happenning every where around the world. The issue doesnt mainly exsist in just one certain area in the planet. It is being caused in foregin coutries but the risks are still caused by everyone.

    One example is this: When the earth heats up, the polar ice caps melt. Then they become darker in colour, and absorb more sunlight, which makes them even warmer. So, although global warming happens everywhere, it happens more at the poles.
    There are other complicated effects, because weather systems are complicated. For instance, many people believe that western Europe will actually get colder, because the Gulf Stream (a current in the north Atlantic Ocean), which carries warm water from the Caribbean Sea, will get weaker.
    It's not just a rise in temperature, habitats are either being permanently altered for the worse or they're deteriorating completely.

    What is the causes for global warming?
    Causes of global warming:
    The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has doubled over the last 2 centuries due to the increasing number of industrial and other humans activities worldwide.This greenhouse gases do not break down easily,and hence accumulate in the atmosphere.This causes more heat from the sun to be trapped in the lower atmosphere.This phenonenon is referred to as the enhanced greenhouse effect.The result is an increase in air temperatures throughout the world,known as global warming.

    What is the consequences of global warming?

    Although places around the world had experience different degree of temperatures increase,the consequences or effects of global warming affect the whole world.
    Lets us look at some of the effect:
    Changes in weather conditions
    Scienctists predicts that by the year 2100, the increase in greenhouse gases will lead to a further 1.5 to 4.5 degrees Celsius increase in the Earth's average temperature.This will result in faster evaporation of water from the water bodies.In dry regions,excessive evaporation would cause the dry climate to become drier.This could cause severe droughts,leading to water shortage for plants, animals and humans.Heat wave,which are periods of abnormally hot weather, could become more frequent. On the other hand, in wetter regions,with more water vapour in the atmosphere,more rainfalls could be expected. Too much rainfall could cause floods. In areas already suffering from floods,the problems of flooding could worsen.

    Impact of plants
    Different types of vegetation requires different climatic conditions to grow.Hence,where rainfalls and temperatures patterns change due to global warming,vegetation growth around the world would be affected.For example,in countries South of the Sahara Desert in Africa, such as Mali and Niger, a decrease in rainfalls would adversely affect the growth of important crops, such as wheat,rice and corn.This would cause the production of food crops to decrease leading to food shortage. On the other hand, in colder region, such as Alaska, a warmer climate may allow people to grow new crops.

    Impacts on animals
    The rise in global temperatures also affects natural habitats.Animals suchs as Yaks and llamas, which survive only in low temperatures,may have to migrate to mountainous or cooler areas when temperatures rise. If they fail to do so, they may become extinct.

    Impact on people
    Climatic changes could have negative effects on humans health as well. For example, with increased temperatures in the Tropics, mosquitoes would multiply more rapidly as they thrive under higher tempuratures. This lead to the spread of diseases, such as dengue fever, malaria and yellow fever.

    In addition,global warming will increase the number of hot days in a year.Sciencticts predict that by year 2030, the number of days with tempuratures above 32 degrees celsius may double in cities in the United States of America. Long exposure to the hot sun or heat waves can causes people to suffer from dehydration and heat stroke.

    Rising sea levels
    When the Earth's average temperature increases, the sea levels are likely to rise too. This is because the higher tempurature would cause the sea water to expand. The rising heat would also cause the ice caps at the North and South Poles to melt. As the ice caps contain more than 70 percent of the world's fresh water, the sea levels could increase by 20 to 50 centimetres by the year 2050.

    Global warming is a term used to describe a gradual increase in the earth’s average
    ground and atmospheric temperatures across the whole planet. Measurements
    indicate that the global temperature has increased by about 1 degree Fahrenheit
    in the past century.
    This warming trend appeared during a period when human activities were
    beginning to increase the carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in
    the atmosphere.
    Although most scientists believe that a rise in carbon dioxide emissions will lead to
    further global warming, uncertainties remain about the timing and severity of resulting
    climatic change. Nevertheless, many are convinced that human activities are partly
    responsible for the long-term warming of the past century and that climatic changes
    caused by greenhouse gas increases will be a continuing part of our future.
    They believe there is enough evidence to warrant a sensible approach toward
    minimizing the potential consequences of global warming.
    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a panel of 2,000 scientists convened
    by the United Nations’ Environment Programme and the World Meteorological
    Organization, determined that even if we take steps now to reduce our emissions of
    greenhouse gases, the globe could warm up at a rate faster than it has in the past
    10,000 years.

    What is the Difference Between Global Warming and the Ozone Hole?
    It is important to note that global warming is a separate problem from ozone depletion.
    Ozone depletion refers to the thinning of the ozone layer in the stratosphere,
    which extends roughly between 9-31 miles above the earth’s surface. A diminished
    ozone layer allows more harmful radiation to reach the earth’s surface. Global warming,
    on the other hand, refers to an increase in the earth’s average temperature.

    The Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change, and Global Warming
    The Greenhouse Effect: Scientists are certain about the greenhouse effect. They know
    that greenhouse gases make the earth warmer by trapping heat in the atmosphere.
    Climate Change: Climate is the long-term average of a region’s weather events
    lumped together. For example, it’s possible that a winter day in Buffalo, New York,
    could be sunny and mild, but the average weather—the climate—tells us that Buffalo’s
    winters will mainly be cold and include snow and rain. Climate change represents a
    change in these long-term weather patterns. They can become warmer or colder;
    annual amounts of rainfall or snowfall can increase or decrease.
    Global Warming: Global warming refers to an average increase in the earth’s temperature,
    which in turn causes changes in climate. A warmer earth may lead to
    changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants,
    wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue of climate change, one of
    their concerns is about rapid global warming caused by human activities.
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